STING Official Trailer (2024)

STING Official Trailer (2024)

“Sting” is a horror-sci-fi thriller released on July 3, 2024, directed by Kiah Roache-Turner. The film centers on 12-year-old Charlotte, who secretly raises a spider with remarkable abilities. Initially harmless, the spider undergoes a rapid and horrifying...
The First Omen | Official Trailer

The First Omen | Official Trailer

“The First Omen,” directed by Arkasha Stevenson, serves as a prequel to the 1976 horror classic “The Omen.” The film explores the origins of the malevolent forces central to the original story. It follows a young American woman, portrayed by...
THE WATCHERS | Official Trailer

THE WATCHERS | Official Trailer

Synopsis of “The Watchers” In the haunting and enigmatic forests of Ireland, a young artist named Mina (played by Dakota Fanning) finds herself inexplicably trapped with three strangers: a cynical ex-soldier, a pragmatic botanist, and a reclusive...
Double Blind (2024) Official Trailer

Double Blind (2024) Official Trailer

Synopsis of “Double Blind” In “Double Blind,” a group of seven volunteers signs up for a groundbreaking clinical trial testing a new drug designed to radically alter human sleep patterns. Held in a remote research facility, the participants are...
SPEAK NO EVIL Trailer (2024)

SPEAK NO EVIL Trailer (2024)

In “Speak No Evil,” a family’s seemingly idyllic vacation turns into a nightmare during a weekend stay at a charming country house. After befriending another family, they accept an invitation to visit their new acquaintances’ home. What begins...
Abigail | Official Trailer 2

Abigail | Official Trailer 2

Synopsis of “Abigail” (2024) In the chilling horror-thriller “Abigail,” a group of would-be criminals orchestrates the kidnapping of a young girl, believing they’ve found an easy target in the 12-year-old ballerina daughter of a powerful...