In a cinematic landscape teeming with remakes and reimaginings, Guillermo del Toro, the master of monstrous imagination, has embarked on a venture that revisits Mary Shelley’s iconic creation, Frankenstein. A project 50 years in the making within del Toro’s mind, is now being realized with a stellar cast and a narrative arc that explores untouched corridors of the classic tale. This article delves into del Toro’s latest project, its inception, and what makes it a much-anticipated addition to the horror genre.

Rekindling the Monstrous Lore

Del Toro’s forthcoming project, titled “Dr. Frankenstein,” is an expedition into the narrative of Dr. Pretorious, whose endeavors follow the trail of the original Dr. Frankenstein’s monstrous creation, believed to have perished in a fire four decades prior​1​. The film, which has not yet been assigned a release date, is already gaining traction with a stellar cast lineup, including the likes of Oscar Isaac, Andrew Garfield, Christoph Waltz, and Mia Goth​2​​3​.

A Lifelong Dream Materializing

Guillermo del Toro has often expressed his fascination with the monstrous, the grotesque, and the beautiful horror entailed in such narratives. The inception of this project traces back to del Toro’s early experiences with the Frankenstein lore, fostering a dream that spanned five decades. “It’s a movie I have been wanting to do for 50 years since I saw the first Frankenstein,” the filmmaker remarked during a Q&A session following the 10th anniversary celebration of his film Pacific Rim​3​.

A Cast Drenched in Stardom

The casting decisions for “Dr. Frankenstein” herald an amalgamation of talent capable of rendering the intricate emotions and the dark, eerie atmosphere synonymous with the Frankenstein tale. Oscar Isaac, whose role is yet to be confirmed, is one of the major names attached to the project. Alongside Isaac, Andrew Garfield, Christoph Waltz, and Mia Goth are set to breathe life into del Toro’s vision, underpinning the film’s promise of a rich, evocative narrative.

The Netflix Foray

Del Toro’s collaboration with Netflix is not a new venture. Following his initial successful projects with the streaming giant, the anticipations are soaring for “Dr. Frankenstein.” Under his overarching deal with Netflix, del Toro is expected to unravel a rendition of Frankenstein that aligns with his known prowess in portraying the darkly beautiful and the grotesquely sublime​4​.


“Dr. Frankenstein” is not merely a revisit to a timeless tale; it’s Guillermo del Toro’s homage to a narrative that has captivated him for a lifetime. With a cast that promises stellar performances and a director whose name is synonymous with the macabrely beautiful, the horror realm waits with bated breath for a project that is set to redefine the Frankenstein lore.

This article is updated as of October 2023.